What are the school hours?

School hours are 7:50am – 2:30pm, Monday-Friday.

Do you offer an extended care program?

St. Scholastica Catholic School offers an affordable before and after care program for all students. Please check our Before & Aftercare page for more information.

Do you offer bus service?

Families who live within the boundaries of District 68 (Woodridge) are eligible for free bus service to and from St. Scholastica Catholic School each day.

Is there a lunch program?

St. Scholastica has partnered with a local food service provider to offer daily hot lunch options for all students. Ordering is available on your FACTS Family Portal account.

Do students wear uniforms?

All STS students wear school and P.E uniforms that may be purchased online. Please visit SchoolBelles for school uniform ordering. School Code: S1068

P.E. uniforms are to be worn to school on gym days. Please visit Dynamac Sportsgear to purchase P.E. uniforms.

Where can I purchase Spirit Wear?

We love to see our students in Spirit Wear on “Spirit Wear Days”. Visit our online spirit wear store to purchase your new gear today! 1st Place Spiritwear

What extra-curricular programs are offered?

St. Scholastica Catholic School offers a variety of extra-curricular activities that are consistently growing to match our student’s interest. We currently offer Altar Servers, Band, Cub Scouts, Chess Club, Choir, Drama Club, Girl Scouts and Young Rembrandts Art Club. Check our Activities page for more information.

What athletic programs are offered?

St. Scholastica is part of the Tri-County Catholic Conference and athletic participation begins in the 5th grade. We compete in Volleyball, Cross-Country, Basketball and Track & Field. Check our Athletics page for more information.

Do you offer financial assistance?

We recognize the financial sacrifice you make when you prioritize Catholic education for your child. If you are in need of financial assistance for your child’s education, simply complete the online FACTS form. To be considered for additional aid from the Catholic Education Foundation of the Diocese of Joliet (CEF), please submit your FACTS form by April 1st. Our commitment is to make Catholic education accessible to all families – we encourage you to apply without hesitation. Our doors are always open should you have any questions or concerns. Together, we will find a solution.

Visit our Tuition page for more information.

Do you accept non-Catholic students?

Yes, St. Scholastica does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, or national origin in the administration of admissions and educational policies.