Faculty & Staff Directory


Fr. Mark Cote


Ms. Kelly Kramerich

Phone: 630-985-2515

Mrs. Melissa Johnson

Assistant Principal; 7th Grade Homeroom; Middle School ELA
Phone: 630-985-2515 ext. 148


Ms. Jenny Kucko

Kindergarten Homeroom

Mrs. Mary Ann Missak

1st Grade Homeroom
Phone: 630-985-2515 ext. 108

Mrs. Jen Feller

2nd Grade Homeroom

Mrs. Sue Wagner

3rd Grade Homeroom

Mrs. Tasha Sulek

4th Grade Homeroom

Mrs. Karen Scheel

5th Grade Homeroom

Mrs. Kellean Schriedel

6th Grade Homeroom; Middle School Advanced Math

Mrs. Melissa Johnson

Assistant Principal; 7th Grade Homeroom; Middle School ELA
Phone: 630-985-2515 ext. 148

Mrs. Sarah Stankus

8th Grade Homeroom, Middle School Religion, Middle School Social Studies

Mr. Mark Hodges

S.T.E.A.M., Middle School Science
Phone: 630-985-2515 ext. 114


Mrs. Jill Fernandez

Middle School Math; Student Resource

Mrs. Sue Murray

Physical Education

Mrs. Barbara Stance

Librarian and Technology

Mr. Mark Watson

Music Teacher


Mrs. Alicia Garland

Secretary, Instructional Aide

Mrs. Jane Gorecki

Primary Instructional Aide

Ms. Carissa Kramerich

Administrative Assistant, Marketing and Enrollment
Phone: 630-985-2515

Mrs. Bonnie Salvo

Social Worker
Phone: 630-985-2515 ext. 102